The Robert Pearson Collection:
Industrial Suppliers - C. W. Hunt
Although not as well known as other industrial suppliers, the C. W. Hunt Co. offered an amazing assortment of industrial equipment. Established in 1872, the New York based firm supplied rope, coal handling equipment, cranes, and complete industrial railways. The innovative company was purchased by the Yale and Towne Manufacturing in 1920 shortly after C. W. Hunt Co produced a battery powered lift truck. The Yale and Towne Manufacturing is now know as the Yale Materials Handling Corporation and is still in the materials handling business. Early C. W. Hunt Co. catalogs are treasure troves; showcasing the engineering standards of a bygone era. The catalogs were custom bound for individual clients and reflected the needs of the customer. The pdf's below come from a 1905 catalog bound for Harry Hildebrand. If you have any additional information about C. W. Hunt Co. railway cars please let me know.
Coal Handling Machinery - Cat 055
Noiseless Conveyor - Cat 053
Coal Cracker - Cat 057
Automatic Railway - Cat 0510 PDF 8.6 meg - you will need Adobe Reader 5.0 or later
Cable Railway - Cat 0415 PDF 6.5 meg - you will need Adobe Reader 5.0 or later
Industrial Railway - Cat 038 PDF 10.5 meg - you will need Adobe Reader 5.0 or later
Electric Storage Battery Locomotive - Cat 0223 PDF 3.5 meg - you will need Adobe Reader 5.0 or later
Steam Hoisting Engines - Cat 058
Electric Hoists, Winches and Capstans - Cat 046
Overhead Trolleys - Cat 026
Scales - Cat 0413
Manila Rope - Cat 054