The Robert Pearson Collection:
Iron Mountain Mine
I have been fascinated with the Iron Mountain Mining Co. since the first time I saw the picture of a small porter perched high on a ore dump covered with workers and their families. For the past 20 years I have slowly assembling a collection of information about the mine and tramway with the help of a number of people and organizations along the way. In particular I would like to thank Kay Strombo and Sue McLees of the Mineral County Historical Society in Superior Montana, and the late Bill Pike, also from Superior, for providing a treasure trove of information. After making several visits to the site and searching historical archives I had enough material to tell the story. In 2012 I published an article in the Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology that provides a detailed background on the mine, diagrams of the ore processing methods as well as plans of the ore car. If you would like a copy sent me an email. Since the article was published, additional information has been uncovered and I plan on a publishing an updated article soon.
The Iron Mountain Mine: Tracing a Montana Silver-Lead Mine from Success to Bust Through Engineering and management Decisions, M. Johnston, Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology, 38, 2, 2012, 19-37
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